Search & Selection of Qualified Personnel, Top & Middle Management.
We support companies in the delicate process of selecting Qualified Professionals and Top & Middle Management: the foundation of business success.

Quadra Research Professionals have consolidated experience and skills that allow them to carry out a proactive Head Hunting activity, i.e. A carefully targeted market research aimed at identifying and effectively approaching even those Professional Profiles that are difficult to find through traditional search and selection channels (such as job portals and social professional networks).
The direct research is carried out in full compliance with the principles of professional ethics and with a relationship of trust with the Client Company. All information is strictly confidential.
Each Research Project is designed and tailored together with the Client Company by consultants/head hunters specialised in Executive & Professional Search through the following phases:

  1. profiling of the required candidate (focusing on the skills, professional experiences and personal characteristics that define the profile of the ideal candidate) and mapping of the reference market
  2. activation of diversified research channels in order to be effective, direct and timely:
    • targeted scouting within target companies or sectors
    • use of professional network web services
    • consultation of our company database
    • publication of announcements on our company Job Board and on the most qualified professional job search portals.
  3. interviews with potential candidates carried out with discretion and guaranteeing the utmost confidentiality to all parties involved
  4. assessment of skills related to the role to be filled, the degree of seniority required, the leadership demonstrated
  5. the analysis of soft skills predicting the candidate’s work performance through the administration of aptitude tests, by way of example BFQ-2 and IN BASKET
  6. an in-depth analysis of the motivation for change and related expectations
  7. drafting of a final report on the work carried out and on the profiles of the individual candidates, summarising the characteristics and the most significant data, including test results
  8. support and, possibly, assistance to the Customer during the entire interview phase in the company and negotiation aimed at the elaboration of the economic proposal and the contractual terms
  9. periodic monitoring of the positive response by the Candidate in the adaptation to the new reality.